15 Before & After Photographs Of Cities From Around The World That Show Unrecognizable Difference


Mankind has done a lot in the name of development. The world has moved on with time. Of course to do, that there have been various steps taken; some bad, some good. But just like ‘the show’, development must also go on. Some major cities in the world have changed a lot over time and the development they have undergone is just unimaginable.

Here are 15 such cities that seem unrecognizable when compared in their before & after pics:


1. Dubai, UAE: 1990 & 2013

From dust to concrete.


2. Los Angeles, USA: 1970 & 2014

Further urbanization.


3. Fortaleza, Brazil: 1970 & 2015

Earlier people walked here hand in hand and now buildings stand side by side.


4. Jakarta, Indonesia: 1960 & 2015

Growth in concrete and growth in green.


5. Toronto, Canada: 1930 & 2014

Development by the bay.


6. Panama City, Panama: 1930 & 2014

From nothing to something.


7. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 1990 & 2014

From old to new, this is how tourism grew!


8. Singapore: 1990 & 2014

This is resourceful development.


9. Long Beach, USA: 1953 & 2009

Doesn’t seem as long now, does it?


10. Shenzen, China: 1980 & 2011

When nature goes and building grows.


11. Hong Kong: 1920 & 2000

A mountainous change.


12. Shanghai, China: 1990 & 2014



13. Tokyo, Japan: After WWII & 2013



14. Beijing, China: 1950 & 2015

Can no more wood be good?


15. Paris, France: 1900 & 2012

Eiffel Tower: “I stood still as the world around me kept growing.”

Surprised, weren’t you? How times have changed!

Content & Featured Image Source: Scoopwhoop