10 Things To Know Before Getting A Tattoo


Tattoos are a mark of identification.  To some, it is a mere fashion trend but to others, it is a mark that establishes their identities and beliefs. They are the universal mark of symbol, beliefs & host of other things that make people get addicted to the tattoo art.

Before, you plan to get a tattoo on your body; here are a list of few pointers to consider:

1. Research on ideas & information

It really helps. Tattoos are a permanent mark. Before, you commit yourself to an idea, be 10 times certain about it. Know about the tattoo artist and if possible seek the help of the best artist in your surroundings.

Source: hdcutepics

2. Simplicity can be the ultimate sophistication

Don’t go for complex, over the top ideas. If it is your first time, go for a simple and subtle idea or a design. Discuss with your artist in great detail. You will be much more satisfied with that small and simple tattoo piece which can create a bigger impact.

Source: onemillionwallpapers

3. Know your body limits

The idea of getting a tattoo done is too tempting to push yourself to the edges. But, before, you get it started, be practical and rational enough to know the limitation of the body pain and get the tattoo inked accordingly.  If you are delicate and sensitive, it is better to avoid getting the tattoo done on your elbows, back of the knees, groin areas for the first time.

Source: wallbervation

4. Don’t be impulsive 

If you are in a new relationship or deeply in love, that doesn’t call getting the impulsive decision of getting the tattoo name imprinted of your lover. Love has its stages and keeps evolving from time to time.  Give some time to the relationship before allowing that special person to leave a permanent mark on your body.

Source: moshlab

5. Timing is important

Sun rays exposure or water submersion may harm your new tattoo, so it is imperative to choose the right time to get the tattoo done.  Early autumn and spring can be a good choice to get the mark.

Source: wallvan

6. Go for the best one

Tattoos will leave the permanent mark on your body so it is best to go for the best one. It can be expensive, but you will cherish the idea of getting the best tattoo done of your choice.

Source: houseofcoco

7. Be Committed.

Once you have researched well, got the idea of the design, the next step is to mentally prepare yourself to be committed to the tattoo of your choice. It is the design; you will have to live with, for the rest of your life. Make sure, you select the best design.

Source: hdwallpapersbucket

8. Take your friend’s help.

You may be in a fix to decide for the best design or need someone’s help to give you that confidence in the tattoo parlor.  Get your buddy’s help; it will boost up your confidence and faith in getting the best design.

Source: cphblonde

9. You might want to get shaved.

Wherever you might get inked and how hairy you are, you may need to shave your body.  More than the tattoo itself, it’s importance to maintain your body. Ask your artist for more suggestions on the same.

Source: huffpost

10. Sketch the idea with a marker, before finalizing it.

You can work on the rough idea of sketching the idea with a marker. Take the picture on Instagram and ask your friends and loved ones to give their feedbacks on the same. This is the best step of enhancing your confidence before getting inked finally.

Source: chicsteals

Featured Image : zastavki


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