If you know the feeling of throwing your phone and never working again for the sake of extra sleep, then you’re a chronic sleep lover like all of us. And if you feel like murdering the first person who comes to break your precious sleep, then you’re a non-morning person and proud (and cranky in the morning).
Well, morning people will never get the happy chirpy faces at 6 am, when all we want is a warm cup of coffee. Or better still, a surprise holiday just to sleep.
Until that happens, here’s a series of images that perfectly describe your morning woes, and the separation anxiety you face for the rest of the day.
When you wake up before time, and figure you have more time to sleep.
Source: Giphy
When someone tries to wake you up before it’s time.
Source: Giphy
When you have to make your alarm clock sass you into waking up.
The snooze button is your best friend.
Source: Weknowmemes
When your alarm goes off.
Source: Viralstories
When the first ray of sunshine hits your face.
Source: Giphy
When you struggle to get those extra five minutes of shut-eye.
And they mean the world to you.
Source: Favim
When you’re up, but lie in bed thinking about how you can skip work.
Source: Reactiongifs
When you can think of absolutely nothing.
So instead, you start calculating how much sleep you can make up for in the weekend.
Source: Timetraveller
When you finally give up and get out of bed.
Source: Tumblr
When you’re battling sleep on the toilet.
Source: Giphy
When you’re regretting your decision in the shower.
Source: Giphy
The amount you yawn even before it’s noon.
Source: Imgur
When you struggle to keep yourself awake during the first half of your work day.
Source: Tumblr
When you’re trying to resist your post lunch sleep-attack.
Source: Giphy
But you finally give in…
And wake up after half an hour.
Source: Imgur
When you can sleep just about anywhere.
Source: Tumblr
When you have that special relationship with moving vehicles, that most don’t seem to get.
Source: Imgflip
When you see cheerful morning people.
Source: Giphy
Your face before your first coffee.
Source: Giphy
And your face after your first coffee.
Source: Giphy
Sleep, cry, repeat. The cycle goes on.